On November 24 & 25, 2017 a group of 50 students from 8 denominational backgrounds and representing 5 nationalities studied Precept Ministries´PuP Titus together. This webpage has been designed primarily for the participants of this course but can also be used as a resource to share with others who might be interested in studying God’s Word inductively, to introduce them to PuP courses, and/or who are interested in the subject matter discussed in Titus.
Welcome to PuP Titus
PuP Titus - Sessions
Here is a listing of the individual video sessions that cover lessons 1-3 in the PuP Titus. The sessions have been edited for brevity and do not include every discussion that took place or questions that have been discussed. The emphasis for this resource lays explicitly on the course material. We have also included the bonus session that shows how to use this material to others and thereby multiply bible study leaders.
Lesson 1 | Part 1
LESSON 1 | Part 2
LESSON 1 | Review
LESSON 2 | Part 1
LESSON 2 | Part 2
LESSON 2 | Part 3
LESSON 3 | Part 1
LESSON 3 | Part 2
LESSON 3 | Part 3
Here you can discover more about the PuP Titus Study Materials.
Titus – Developing Character and Integrity in the Midst of a Society Which Has Lost Respect for God – Precept Workbook (NASB)
How do you live with integrity in a nation without morals? Can the church effectively engage and change this destructive condition in our society? How does your life reflect your faith? You can change the culture into which God has called you. In order to provide you with the PuP Titus study materials, visit the store that is closest to you.
- For U.S. customers, go to the U.S. Precept Store.
- For U.K. customers, see the U.K. Precept Store.
- For German-speaking Europe, please contact us directly for an English copy (these can be loose-leaf or a bound paperback copy). For German copies of the study, click here.
- For a Spanish copy of the Titus Course, please visit the U.S. Precept Store.